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Company ▶ Local Management
Claudia Olander
District Manager - Greenfield, California
Employee ID:
September 22nd, 1977
Newport Beach, CA
Greenfield, CA
▼ Basic Facts
Years with Cloud 9:
Character Quote:
Favorite Break Snack:
9 AM - 5 PM (Monday to Friday)
"Don’t mistake my professionalism for kindness. I can smile through just about anything, especially firing people who waste my fucking time."
Yogurt & Granola
Lawful Impure
University of California, Los Angeles
MBA, Marketing Specialization
▼ Special Skills
Key Strengths:
Teflon Reputation
Masterfully deflects her own failures onto others.
Budget Whisperer
Always finds a way to cut costs, even if it's at the expense of employee morale.
Spin Doctor
Can reframe any disaster as a win and turn minor successes into headline achievements.
Signature Skill:
Charisma to the Max
Knows exactly how to win people over just long enough to get what she needs.
Key Weaknesses:
Neurotic Time Bomb
Her need to maintain control means she bottles up emotions, leading to occasional private breakdowns.
Relies heavily on prescription medications to manage
her anxiety, numbing her emotions and leading to crippling self-resentment.
Vindictive Streak
Holds grudges and quietly seeks payback against those who cross her, even if it comes at her own expense.
▼ Compensation & Awards
Annual Salary:
Annual Bonus:
Dependent on Performance (Usually between $85,000 and $200,000)
District Growth Champion - Recognized by corporate for leading her district to record sales and profit. (Awarded in 2013)
▼ Character Overview
Claudia Olander (Born September 22nd, 1977) is the district manager of Cloud 9 District #58, in the Greater Greenfield Area. A sharp-witted egotist, Claudia is often portrayed as the secondary antagonist of Store #1144, although she has occasional moments of anti-heroism from time to time.
Characterized by her confident-demeanor, professionalism, and arrogance, Claudia leads her district with an iron-fist. As a former Beauty Industry Executive, she is driven by an insatiable hunger for corporate success, often prioritizing her own image and career over the needs of her employees or the company. She values appearances above all else, which is illustrated in the way she presents herself: a voguish "West-Coast Diva" decked out in chic suits, expensive jewelry, and designer shoes.
Having come from humble beginnings, Claudia feels she must constantly prove herself in a company that she believes doesn’t take her seriously. This insecurity drives her to work twice as hard as her colleagues to maintain authority, cultivating the persona of an intense, no-nonsense boss who will do whatever it takes to stay at the top. But despite her abrasive personality, Claudia is genuinely intelligent, and an expert when it comes to retail operations.
In many ways, Claudia represents the archetype of the jaded, beleaguered bureaucrat, driven by personal ambition but caught in moments of self-reflection that show her to be more than just a heartless corporate suit. But when confronted with the choice of being either good or evil...Claudia will usually choose the latter.
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